Monday, January 11, 2016

Is Google Sniper A Scam or Is It Legit?

People Keep Asking If Google Sniper Is A Scam
I had a root canal done in 2011. I was told that I needed dental work. I had insurance, in fact, it was the best insurance you could buy in Los Angeles, California. I paid a lot, and when the dental office ran it, they were impressed. But you know what happened? I still had to pay 1,000 dollars out of pocket. Some will say, “you saved money”, but let’s be honest, I felt like I was scammed. Dental insurance is a scam, right? No. But I felt that way. Well, that’s the same thing that I’m seeing from people about Google Sniper right now. They feel as though they are being scammed, and honestly, that’s not true at all. It’s easy to point fingers when you fail, and it’s honestly something that needs to stop, but hey, it’s the internet, and that’s not going to stop, now is it? If you want to make money online, Google Sniper teaches you how to do it.

Who Is Calling Google Sniper A Scam?

When you search online for Google Sniper right now, the first post that you may see comes from 2011. It’s the first time someone was asking whether or not Google Sniper teaches you anything of value, or if it was a scam. Guess what? If you read the 54 posts and 36 author answers, you will realize that no one really knows what they are talking about. Now, there was one person that said it had nothing to do with “Google’s” license, and that’s true. Google is NOT endorsing this program. However, it’s in fair use because the product is teaching you how search engine optimization works according to the framework of Google’s algorithm. So who is calling Google Sniper A Scam? Individuals that don’t know what it is, and people that are trying to sell you their own products and services.

The Google Sniper Scam Websites Are Click Bait

Here is the second thing that you are going to find when you ask whether or not this is a scam, and it’s simple, click bait. I looked at the top 10 listings for this question, and a grand majority have URL’s that use a combination of words for scam, and revealed, etc. In fact, one is called “Bare Naked Scam”. Guess what! They want you to invest in their own products. I have yet to find a solid review for Google Sniper that does not try to sell you on another product. It’s click bait first, then as soon as you read the commentary, or review, you will get a giant call to action about how their product is the “one true” option. Guess what? They are scamming you! Sad, but true.

Is Anyone Making Money With Google Sniper?

Here’s the thing, Google Sniper is not a scam. I keep mentioning that to people, but they raise their eyebrows. Honestly, I keep saying that you the reader should check out Google Sniper for yourself. Click here and see whether or not you can make money with Google Sniper’s e-course. There are people making money with these types of websites, and I know that to be a fact, because I make money with several of them. I am working on a skateboarding site right now in Tumblr, for example. It’s not complicated, I’m just trying to prove that you can make money online through the right educational portal. I can honestly say that Google Sniper is NOT a scam. I still am mad at my dental insurance, but I didn’t write a lot of content about how that’s a scam because I’d be an idiot.

Are you looking to make money online? Test the limits with Google Sniper’s e-course by clicking here. If you don’t make money, or hate it, ask for a refund, simple as that.

Interested in testing Google Sniper? Click here to test it, and review it for yourself. You won't regret it.

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