Sunday, January 10, 2016

Are You Making These Google Sniper Mistakes?

Everyone Makes Mistakes, Are You Making Them Right Now?
There are a lot of people that have signed up for Google Sniper, and have yet to turn a profit. I’ve seen a lot of complaints online, and after seeing things a bit closer, I can say that most are making mistakes. If you’re going to turn a profit with Google Sniper, you cannot afford to make crucial mistakes when you are setting up your websites. You just can’t. There’s a precise amount of work and setup that goes into creating sites that are meant to rank high and fast, as well as convert. Sure, there are some people that have been able to make moves without the specifics, but often times, that’s a lightning flash which doesn’t strike twice. Consider the following mistakes you may be making right now.

Not Updating WordPress Installations

One of the main issues that plague internet marketers is this simple tip, updating WordPress. You may have signed up for a good web hosting provider, but in order to turn a profit with Google Sniper, you need to ensure that your installation is up to date. If it’s not, you could be leaving valuable indexing on the table. Unless your domain name is very old, and has a high page rank already, chances are you’re not going to get special treatment for SERP placement, you just won’t. Don’t let this lapse.

Buying Foreign Content and Publishing It

I’m not an international writer. I am located in the United States, Indianapolis to be exact. I see a lot of people going to upwork and even Fiverr to order large amounts of articles to publish on their Google Sniper websites. Don’t do this. I say this from experience. During the last World Cup I made the mistake of hiring foreign writers to come up with articles for the big influx of traffic. Guess what happened? Nothing! I couldn’t turn a profit with Google Sniper or any system because the content was terrible. I published it anyways, and ended up wasting my time and money.

Not Paying For Traffic To Your Google Sniper Pages

One of the biggest mistakes that you can make is this one, not paying for internet traffic. There are 3 tiers of traffic that Google Sniper recommends. Yes, you should work with the first two, which are free. But the third one is where people skip and lose out on the targeted traffic needed to make conversions stick, and it’s paid resources. Now, you don’t need to spend a fortune, but you will need to spend a little money for traffic that will help you turn a profit with Google Sniper. Without it, don’t expect to get very far with any website that you publish online. The cheapest traffic you can find may come from unlikely sources like “adult” websites, which one marketer I read recently pulled 0.005 per click! That’s just one source.

If you’re going to turn a profit with Google Sniper, you need to avoid making the above mistakes. Click here to test the methods yourself, and see about making money online the easy way.

Interested in testing Google Sniper? Click here to test it, and review it for yourself. You won't regret it.

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