Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Google Sniper Works With Newly Expanded Maps App In 3 Major Ways

Google Maps Ads Go Mobile
Today it was announced that Google is expanding their reach into the mobile advertising game. You already know that they are a powerful search engine, and the site could very well make or break your affiliate marketing goals. What you may not know is that they are now pushing for more mobile, geographically targeted advertising. Specifically working with a new push into their maps application, they are allowing advertisers a far more specific location for marketing, coupons, and more. There are 3 major ways that Google Sniper and mobile advertising is intertwined into this new reach for digital marketing.

Geo Targeted Relevance

First and foremost, you’re going to find that within the member’s area of Google Sniper, there’s information about how to target mobile advertising units. Well, when you combine what you learn there, and the latest from Google’s expansion into their maps app, you’re going to find that there’s very specific geographically targeted opportunities. For instance, if you want to make sure that your site gets traffic from Los Angeles, California, while people are searching for “check cashing” locations, you can now do so through the mobile maps app that many already use on their smartphones and tablets. This reach is huge, and if you leverage it correctly, you can make serious conversions.

Schema Star Ratings For Small Business

You may not know about these, because you don’t have a physical store. But for those businesses that do in fact have a physical location, schema star ratings matter a great deal. In fact, you’re going to find that this can be hijacked by individuals that have online businesses. Schema ratings make your URL stand out, and if you’re going to utilize Google’s expanded mobile push, then you are going to want to have 4 to 5 stars in this area. Now, you’ll have to really focus on how to get a schema rating in your URL, and it’s not simple at first glance. Whatever the case is, Google Sniper’s mobile advertising lessons can teach you how to leverage mobile advertising for traffic generation, simple as that.

Traffic Generation Through Google’s Mobile Push With Ads In Apps

Mobile advertising platforms are getting more and more important. The growth potential that is found within this world, is going to be quite fascinating to watch. If you are going to promote anything physical, tangible, or perhaps a part of sales related products, you’re going to want to see how this can help you out. Google’s putting a lot of weight into their mobile advertising platforms. Look, Google already knows what’s going on, according to, “Nearly one-third of mobile searches on Google are related to location, according to Google, Google said, with location-related mobile searches growing 50% faster than all mobile searches.”.

Not Just For Brick and Mortar Shops

While Google’s new mobile push may target physical stores, you’re going to find that it’s not going to stop marketers from creating business options to drive traffic. Even if the bounce rate is high, people are going to jump on the bandwagon of trying to leverage these ads away from mainstay corporate entities. Making this quite an interesting way to use what you may learn from Google Sniper and tie it together with a mobile advertising strategy that will convert quite well for Clickbank and more.

Interested in testing Google Sniper? Click here to test it, and review it for yourself. You won't regret it.

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